Monday, 03 April 2023
Open procedure
Pursuant to Decree No. 118/2014 establishing the terms and conditions for the appointment of a contractor by beneficiaries of grants from Financial mechanism of the European economic area.
Project № BGLD-1.007-0005 „Investment in innovative approaches for development of local employment and creating new jobs”
Management of Klimatech AD decided:
- To open a procedure with a public announcement for selection of a contractor with the subject: "Delivery, installation and putting into operation of equipment for orbital and laser welding", in execution of Contract № ДО3-35/28.02.2023 for realization of project № BGLD-1.007-0005 „Investment in innovative approaches for development of local employment and creating new jobs”, implemented with the financial support by Financial mechanism of the EEA 2014-2021, under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” program
- It approves an announcement in conformity with the requirements of art. 11, par. 1 of Decree of the Council of Ministers № 118 dated 20 May 2014 and it includes the following documents:
- Technical specification;
- Offer requirements;
- Template of the offer, including technical and price proposal;
- Evaluation methodology;
- Draft contract
- Declaration for Identification number
- Declaration according to art. 22, par. 2, p. 1 of Decree of the Council of Ministers № 118/2014
Klimatech AD link to documents: : https://dox.abv.bg/download?id=c0a5a9ac78# -> link for download