An open day will be held in Klimatech AD on August 31 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m.
The event is organised in connection with the implementation of project No. BGLD-1.007-0005 "Investment in innovative approaches for the development
The aim is to present to the public in Dimitrovgrad, the achieved results of the implementation of the project, which is funded in a total amount of BGN 315225 and has an implementation deadline April 30, 2024.
The project proposal of Klimatech AD is aimed at creating opportunities for employment and increasing the qualifications of unemployed persons, by introducing innovative methods for acquiring professional skills and competencies
Specific activities include:
- Selection of unemployed persons and/or persons from vulnerable groups and appointment of 3 of them to an employment contract in Klimatech AD;
- Delivery and commissioning of laser and orbital welding equipment, which is innovative for the municipality. With this equipment is intended to work newly hired workers
- Conducting training of young people to acquire skills and competencies for working with welding equipment for laser and orbital welding, with the aim of their successful inclusion in the local labor market.
Klimatech AD invites to the event everyone who wants to learn about the possibilities of laser and orbital welding, as well as the company's activities as a whole.